Battling Swimmer’s Itch

by | May 26, 2017 | Education

GLA is currently undergoing new research to help find ways to control swimmer’s itch. In this picture, you can see Ron Reimink of Freshwater Solutions, LLC, working on a tree cavity found in an old broken oak tree on Big Glen. He is using a long telescopic pole with a GoPro video camera at the end to “look into” the possible nesting site of a female Common Merganser. GLA is in the process of monitoring several possible nest sites and the full result of this effort will be reported at a later time. Remember, the key to controlling swimmer’s itch is to try and limit the number of merganser broods that come to our lake in FUTURE years. Also, remember that it is against the law and federal fines could be imposed if anyone harms this bird or her eggs during the nesting season. If you feel you have a potential nesting cavity or better yet, see a merganser fly in or out of a tree cavity, please email Rob Karner at: and he will follow up on your sightings.