Eurasian Watermilfoil Update

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Invasive Species, News

Eurasian watermilfoil (“EWM”) is an invasive aquatic plant which grows and spreads quickly and can have devastating impacts on lake ecology and recreational activities.

Last October, GLA boat wash staff identified two fragments of EWM on watercraft trailers exiting the DNR boat launch on Day Forest Rd. After the fragments were discovered, the GLA formed a task force which engaged two contractors to determine whether or not EWM has taken root in Glen Lake. 

The first contractor, Restorative Lake Sciences, conducted its study earlier this month. Their methodology involved using a rake to take plant samples from the bottom of Little Glen at various GPS locations. We are pleased to report that this study found no evidence of an EWM infestation.

In the upcoming weeks, GLA’s watershed biologist Rob Karner will work with the second contractor (Zero Gravity Aerial) to further examine the lake. This study will rely upon underwater remote operated vehicles and visual inspection and will focus on 40 specific locations identified last fall as potential EWM “hot spots.”

Funding for invasive species eradication and control is supported by the GLA’s Watershed Protection Fund. If you would like to support the GLA’s efforts to protect Glen Lake from EWM, we invite you to make a donation to this fund. 

The GLA is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization with all membership contributions tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Photo by Rob Karner