If you see unusual activity on Little Glen in early May, please do not be alarmed. The GLA has partnered with a team from Thundering Aspens Sportsman Club of Mesick, Michigan, to eradicate invasive Japanese Koi. A team will be working on the water at night, using high-intensity lights and bows and arrows. Most of the activity will take place in shallow, nearshore areas where the fish tend to congregate.
This eradication plan is safe, effective, and approved by the regional Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) fish biologist. It also has the support of local law enforcement. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please contact the GLA using our new email address contact@glenlakeassociaiton.org.
he GLA embraces a policy of “early detection, early response” when it comes to any type of invasive species. We are committed to eradicating both plant and animal-based invasive species when possible, and the Japanese Koi is no exception. Commonly used in landscaped water features, this ornamental fish has unfortunately been spotted in Glen Lake over recent years. It can grow to enormous size and cause great harm if allowed to remain in the lake.
Please share this important information with others to help us get the word out.