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The shorelines of Glen Lake are by nature’s design, an ever-changing phenomenon. Wind and waves during periodic storm events can peel away or build up shorelines into irregular and unpredictable patterns. This natural process can be troubling for riparians who desire to “keep it as it always was.” The GLA embraces the notion that natural shorelines are the best way to preserve water quality.
The results of our 2019 shoreline survey indicate that of the 17 miles of shoreline around Big and Little Glen, 1.8 miles of shoreline have rock walls, making up 10.4% of the total. Our survey shows that 94 riparians have chosen to harden their shoreline to prevent erosion. There seems to be a growing number of riparians who are choosing rock walls.
Artificial rock shorelines can often be the last resort for riparians to control erosion. However, other alternatives can and should be considered, some which are more “lake-friendly.”
The use of coir logs is considered a great alternative to installing rock walls. Before making plans to install a rock wall, consider coir log installations as another good solution to battle erosion. The practice is relatively new to Glen Lake riparians and only a select few contractors have the experience to perform a successful installation. Coir log installations may not be for everyone but they are well worth the time to consider.
For more information about shoreline erosion control, click here.
We welcome your questions and interest if you are thinking of solutions to shoreline erosion.
Contact us at 231-334-7645 or by email to