Guardian Tip: Upcoming Hazardous Waste Collection Dates

by | Jun 20, 2024 | Guardian Tips, News

Oil, gasoline, antifreeze, and old paint are just a few examples of household hazardous waste products (“HHW”) which may be found in just about every home or garage within the Glen Lake area. Throwing out these items with regular household garbage (or worse, pouring them down the drain) enables toxic chemicals to enter the groundwater which can cause great harm to our lakes and streams.

Proper waste disposal is one way you can help preserve and protect the Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed. Take advantage of Leelanau County’s HHW collection program by scheduling a disposal appointment on the county’s website. The next collection date is June 22 at the Glen Lake School parking lot and an appointment is required. In addition, tires and mattresses will be collected on June 21 between 4-6 pm (no appointment required).