Water Quality Volunteers Needed!

by | Jan 16, 2025 | News, Volunteers

To help “pass the torch,” long-time volunteers Mike Litch and Bill Meserve are trying to find another GLA member to take over the “Lead Volunteer” duties for water quality parameter sampling for the MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP). The Michigan Clean Water Corps (MiCorps) is a network of volunteer water quality monitoring programs in Michigan. For 50 years, CLMP volunteers have collected valuable data on inland lakes statewide. This information is used by individuals, local communities, researchers, and state agencies like EGLE and the DNR to better protect and manage Michigan’s 11,000 inland lakes and the fish and wildlife that rely on them. Let’s keep our streak going by continuing to collect and submit data and samples from the Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed.

The Lead Volunteer would annually register, coordinate payment, and help organize the activities of committee volunteers.

The Committee Volunteers are assigned to one of the four lakes listed below to collect water samples, use a Secchi disk to monitor water transparency, record their findings, and send samples to EGLE’s water quality laboratory in Lansing. Committee Volunteers either need a boat or access to a boat. We have current volunteers who conduct the water sampling on each of the four lakes listed below, but we would like backups who can assist them or fill in as needed and train under someone who has done it in the past.

The Lead Volunteer and Committee Volunteers would receive training and would be encouraged to attend part or all of the Michigan Inland Lakes & Streams Association annual conference in Muskegon on Friday, April 25, and Saturday, April 26, 2025. The Glen Lake Association would cover expenses for volunteers to attend the conference.

Water quality monitoring takes place in these water bodies within our watershed:

  • Big Glen Lake
  • Little Glen Lake
  • Big Fisher Lake
  • Brooks Lake

Committee Volunteer Responsibilities:

Water Clarity (Secchi Disk) @ deep basin June to September – every other week Visual depth measurement
Phosphorus Early Spring @ deep basin Within two weeks after ice out Single 3 ft. depth sample collection
Phosphorus Late Summer @ deep basin Late August Single 3 ft. depth sample collection
Chlorophyl A @ deep basin May to Sept, once per month (five total collections) Collect in deep basin in photic zone; filter sample
Aquatic Invasive Species Plant Survey within planned layout One survey in July Rake collections & visual identification

The GLA has a long history of being a volunteer-driven organization. The work that volunteers do for the GLA is priceless and makes a significant difference when it comes to keeping our beautiful lakes and streams clean and healthy.

If you are interested in volunteering or simply learning more, please sign up to be a Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program volunteer. Interested, but not sure yet? After you select “Submit and Sign Up,” you may note in the comments section of your sign-up that you are “all-in,” or “just a maybe,” or that you would like to attend the conference in April before deciding for sure. You may also contact us for more information or to set up a phone call at contact@glenlakeassociation.org.

Thank you for considering volunteering!