Stay connected and updated with the Glen Lake Association by following articles posted here throughout the year.

Winter Water Level Back at Target

Winter Water Level Back at Target

Ample precipitation brought the lake level up from the record low in October to our target level this month. The last time the Glen Lakes were in the low range we saw in October was in 2012. The pink area in the graph below is the target zone in which we try to...

Water Quality Volunteers Needed!

Water Quality Volunteers Needed!

To help “pass the torch,” long-time volunteers Mike Litch and Bill Meserve are trying to find another GLA member to take over the “Lead Volunteer” duties for water quality parameter sampling for the MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP). The Michigan...

Septic Replacement Loan Program

Septic Replacement Loan Program

Well-maintained, properly functioning septic systems are critical to the health of our watershed. Each year, hundreds of thousands of gallons of wastewater soak into the ground within the Glen Lake/Crystal River Watershed, where harmful chemicals and damaging...

Meet our Interns: Part 3 – Fyn Luebke

Meet our Interns: Part 3 – Fyn Luebke

Fyn is a junior at Traverse City West Senior High School. He has grown up enjoying Glen Lake at his family’s cottage on Big Glen. He enjoys repairing small motors and selling them, riding his Jet Ski in the summer and snow skiing in the winter. You may spot him doing...

Membership Renewal for 2025 Due January 31st

Membership Renewal for 2025 Due January 31st

You may recall that in early 2024, all GLA memberships were synchronized on a calendar-year basis. Prior to 2024, memberships expired one year from the date a member signed up, resulting in individual memberships expiring and renewing continuously throughout the year....

Sea Lamprey Update

Sea Lamprey Update

In early June, a local area resident sighted an invasive parasitic sea lamprey swimming upstream from the Crystal River Dam. The dam is located just northwest of where Fisher Lake flows into the Crystal River. It is used to balance the water flow of the river with the...

Clint’s Recipe for Beer-Battered Perch

Clint’s Recipe for Beer-Battered Perch

The GLA monthly creel report regularly shows that Glen Lake anglers’ most-caught fish is yellow perch. They are often caught in Little Glen or in the drop-offs around Big Glen. The best perch recipe starts with perch that you, your child, or your grandchild has caught...

SepticSmart Week 2024

SepticSmart Week 2024

This week, September 15-21, 2024, is designated SepticSmart Week for the state of Michigan because nearly 1.3 million septic systems across the state treat wastewater from homes and businesses. That's a significant part of Michigan's wastewater infrastructure.  As an...

Culvert Replacement Work Begins in Glen Arbor

Culvert Replacement Work Begins in Glen Arbor

In 2019, the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB) initiated a project to replace three undersized stream crossing structures on the Crystal River and the Tucker Lake Outlet culvert along Leelanau County Road (CR) 675 (also known as Dunns Farm Road...

2024 Annual Meeting Highlights

2024 Annual Meeting Highlights

Thank you to everyone who attended the GLA’s 2024 Annual Meeting! We hope you enjoyed celebrating our award recipients, receiving an update on the health of the watershed, and socializing with other members.  GLA President, Stan Kryder, kicked off the meeting by...

Eurasian Watermilfoil Update

Eurasian Watermilfoil Update

Eurasian watermilfoil (“EWM”) is an invasive aquatic plant which grows and spreads quickly and can have devastating impacts on lake ecology and recreational activities. Last October, GLA boat wash staff identified two fragments of EWM on watercraft trailers exiting...

Koi Fish Eradication Update

Koi Fish Eradication Update

The GLA is just as committed to eradicating invasive animal species from the watershed as it is invasive plant species, and the Koi fish is no exception. Unfortunately, a number of Koi have been spotted in Little Glen Lake in recent years. The word "koi" comes from...

Help Us Keep It Blue

Help Us Keep It Blue

 The Glen Lake / Crystal River Watershed is a special place with uniquely blue waters that we as the Glen Lake Association work hard to protect and preserve, drop by drop. That’s why we’re putting out the call to everyone who lives, works, and plays in our waters to...

Eurasian Watermilfoil Update

Eurasian Watermilfoil Update

As we reported in October of this year, GLA boat wash staff identified two fragments of Eurasian watermilfoil (“EWM” or Myriophyllum spicatum L.) on watercraft trailers exiting Little Glen Lake. This occurred at the DNR boat launch on Day Forest Road. We know from...

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