Over the past six months, members of the GLA Board of Directors have been developing a new roadmap for the future of the organization. A five-year Strategic Plan (2020 – 2025) has been created with input from the board, staff, key stakeholders and 156 Association members who recently completed a membership survey. The extensive process is meant to help guide GLA in its direction and initiatives in four main areas;
* Watershed Protection * Education and Communication
* Quality of Life * Organizational Development
The Association’s primary focus remains the protection of the watershed’s natural resources, ground and surface waters, plus the updating and implementation of the Glen Lake/ Crystal River Watershed Plan.
With a strong cadre of volunteers, GLA will continue to be involved in leadership, education and collaborative efforts. Topics include:
- Continuing to research Swimmer’s Itch
- Reducing nutrient loading of the watershed
- Eliminating pollutant sources including storm water and failed septic systems
- Supporting ordinances to inspect septic tanks and wells upon ownership transfer
- Detecting and controlling invasive species
- Managing the water level control structure on the Crystal River
In subsequent eBlasts and communiqués, GLA will share additional information about the above areas of focus and initiatives,
As we strive to be the recognized leader in evidence-based strategies for protecting the Glen Lake watershed while advancing environmental education, sustainable policies and quality of life.
What can everyone do?
* Join in protecting our natural resources and advocating for same – be proud of the theme: “It’s all about the Water!”
* Become a member.
* Learn about the Association through newsletters and annual plans, including implementation of this Strategic Plan and Annual Work Plans.
* Become a Glen Lake Guardian and support stewardship education.
* Volunteer – let us know how you’d like to become involved.
* As members, learn about our Board and Committees and consider participation.
* Give us your thoughts and ask questions – about this Strategic Plan or other matters of concern or interest.
* Donate to help us attain our annual plans and long term goals.
* Build your legacy to make a difference to protect and preserve this one-of-kind place.
Read the GLA Strategic Plan and survey results in their entirety here.
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